When you register a domain, you have to give a valid address, email account and telephone in accordance with the policy adopted by ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. This info, though, is not kept only by the domain registrar, but is visible to the public on WHOIS lookup sites too, so anyone can view your info and lots of people may not be okay with that fact. As a result, numerous registrars have come up with the so-called Whois Privacy Protection service, which conceals the domain name registrant’s details and upon a WHOIS lookup, people will view the details of the registrar company, not those of the domain owner. This service is also called Whois Privacy Protection or Privacy Protection, but all these names refer to the very same service. As of now, most of the top-level domain names around the globe allow Whois Privacy Protection to be activated, but there are still country-code extensions that do not support this option.

Whois Privacy Protection in Web Hosting

Enabling the Whois Privacy Protection service for any domain name registered with us is stunningly easy in case you have a web hosting. You can do this through the very same Hepsia Control Panel, via which you administer your hosting account – you will only need to visit the Registered Domains section where all your domains will be displayed and to click on the “Whois Privacy Protection” button, which will be available for each generic or country-code Top-Level Domain that supports the protection service. This is also the place where you can renew the Whois Privacy Protection service or disable it completely – in case you’d like to transfer a certain domain to some other domain registrar. With our Whois Privacy Protection service, you can hide your private or corporate contact details with only a couple of mouse clicks and stop worrying that your info might be acquired by unauthorized people.

Whois Privacy Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you’ve got a semi-dedicated server account with us and you register a domain name under it, you can enable our Whois Privacy Protection service without difficulty. This takes only a few clicks of the mouse in the Hepsia Control Panel’s Registered Domains section, through which you manage everything associated with your semi-dedicated web hosting account. This is the place where you can see all your active domains and for each one of them you will find an “Whois Privacy Protection” sign, using which you can order, renew or remove the service. Of course, this can be done only with generic and country-code top-level domain name extensions that support this option and you will be able to see this beforehand, so that you will not end up requesting a service that we can’t provide.